Updates in this driver release
This page shows the changes in each driver release, up to
the current release. The changes are cumulative, so that changes in one driver release are
carried through to the next.
Version 4.1.2
- Fixed TOCA Touring Car split screen 2 player mode
- Direct3D 24 bit modes now available
- Fixed Tomb Raider II Triple Buffering support
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft DirectX 6 running Direct3D applications
- Improved Translucency Blending
Version 4.1.1
- MS Baseball 3D flashing menus fix
- Improved performance in Cyber Gladiators, Die Hard Trilogy,
Forsaken, MS Flight Simulator 98, G-Police, Heavy Gear, Team 47 Goman, Terracide, Tomb
Raider II (makes patch 304 obsolete), Twisted Metal 2 and Wing Commander Prophecy.
Version 4.1.0
- Improved z implementation
- More translucency sorting options in the Apocalypse Display
Properties page
- Improved functionality in the Display Properties page, for example,
Use Last Application
Version 4.0.2
- Added control for Dithering to the Apocalypse Display
Properties page.
Version 4.0.1
- New method of translucency sorting, so that it could be set
to ‘High Quality’ ‘Medium’ and ‘Fast sorting’ on a
per-application basis.
- Vertex Fog and Gouraud Specular Highlight controls were
added to the Apocalypse Display Properties page.
- The Apocalypse Display Properties page was redesigned to
give access to the new 3D controls and the translucency sorting. The PowerVR HAL and
bi-linear control was converted to be on a per-application basis.
- 430FX chipset problems with certain graphics cards fixed.